Found my razer key and mouse in an old box and i wanted to give it another try to see if anything software related has changed in the past year... guess what... nothing changed!
Synapse 1 is the most useful one but making macros on it and backing them up is a living nightmare as usual... at least it's the most stable.
Synapse 2 is the windows 8.1 of razer... they just started it, shat on it and moved on to synapse 3...
Oh god... Synapse 3... please kill me now... this festering pile of code crap is the worst thing i have seen in ages, for fuck sake even NZXT made a comeback with their shit cam+ software after 1 year of stumbling like little children... razer on the other hand apparently never will. Synapse 3 should have been the end game... were they aiming for least functional features, least stability, worst user experience? cuz if that's the case they overachieved... it has less features macro-wise than synapse 1 (easier to make macros and back them up tho so i guess there is that), but hey at least you can make your shit pretty now... unless the program decides to shit itself and not detect any of your gear even tho it worked fine the day before, or it kills it's service altogether and doesn't even launch... i reinstalled that shit 3 times, clean installs too and that pile of shit still refused to launch it's service.
Oh what's this??? synapse 3 has a miner in it??? You can now fuck your computer for their benefit! Yay!
The best thing in all razer software is razer surround, everything else is unfinished, unstable or overall shit.
Razer keyboards are ok but the mice are complete crap (i have a generic 1$ mouse that lasted longer than my gaming razer mouse which's scroll wheel broke after only 3 months... that 1$ mouse is still going strong btw), the hard surfaced mouse pads are complete crap.
I think it's time to donate my old razer crap to someone i really hate.
Razer's moto shouldn't be "for gamers by gamers" it should be "for people who still think razer is good by greedy twats who can't program for shit"
Thank you Razer for reminding my how happy i am with my Corsair gear!
Good riddance forever.
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It hurts, but it's the truth !
Synapse 3 and Softminer are different programs, that's pretty easy to tell. All my Razer mice have lasted many years so maybe you got unlucky once, and I use the scroll and scroll click a lot at work. The scroll click eventually died on my DA Chroma after about 5 years but it was nice to upgrade then anyways. I've never had Synapse 3 crash or not detect anything, and macros were easy to make for me. There are some bugs especially with the HDK kit but they've gotten most of them fixed now. Enjoy your Corsair stuff, they seem good too besides the lack of RGB integrated games like Razer has.:big_grin_:
idk about synapse 1 2 3 , but for me . synapse 2 is enough for me ( at least now ) but synapse 3 yes . i got some problem with it .
thats why im still using synapse 2
but as for the MICE or Keyboard ...
my Razer Lachesis . lasted like almost 10 YEARS actually ... and it was GOOD !
bought it when i still in highschool , used it until i working for almost 4 years ( +College 4 years )
unlike my wireless MAMBA . i bought it when im in college and not even use it everyday ( coz im using my lachesis ) and its broke after like 1 year ( MOUSE CAN'T BE USE anymore )
my Tarantula keyboard still working fine now ... ( you know how long its been right ? no more tarantula keyboard !)
and now im using Deathadder elite + Blackwidow (BECAUSE IT HAS Light !) + Kraken 2 for almost 1 year and still has no problem ( HOPE it will has a long life ! )
btw my lachesis broke cos i smashed it
No offense or anything ! just share my experience with Razer products !
Peace !